Saturday 19 March 2011

Showing Jewellery Signed Hollywood

Its a beautiful bright sunny spring morning here in Solihull, UK. So I thought I would write a short blog on vintage jewellery signed Hollywood.

For a long time now I have had a suspicion that this jewellery was linked to Birmingham. Not only because the designs were similar to vintage jewellery by Exquisite - another Birmingham/Solihull company. But in the Birmingham Rag market there was a stall named "Hollywood Jewellery"
I would like to thank Trevor for confirming this and giving me the name of the company.
So just with a little research so far:

Hollywood flower brooch

Hollywood jewellery was produced by the Bloxidge Brothers in Birmingham. Two addresses so far are Regal Works of Icknield Street and Soho Road, Handsworth. Soho Road is not confirmed though yet.
The company were producing jewellery as early as 1929 and possibly earlier. They ended production around the 1980s.
Most of their jewellery supplied the Woolworth Stores.

Hollywood stamp on jewellery

If anyone worked for the Bloxidge brothers, or knew anyone who did or for Woolworth and can shed a bit more light on the company or jewellery I would love to know.

Cream Hollywood leaf brooch

Not to confuse the jewellery with two other companies that are entirely different. That is "Joseff of Hollywood" and Hollycraft" both US companies.

Hollywood signature on jewellery
 Hollywood signature - our photographs should enlarge.
More Hollywood jewellery below:

Leaf brooch with aurora borealis diamante by Hollywood

Textured leaf brooch by Hollywood
Golden leaf brooch stamped Hollywood
Wavy gold vintage brooch by Hollywood
Curled leaf brooch by Hollywood
Jewellery set by Hollywood in pink diamante

Marcasite brooch by Hollywood

Golden pendant with a navy blue Art Glass by Hollywood

Hollywood signature on pendant

Small enamel pixie pin by Hollywood

Small enamel pixie pin by Hollywood stamp

Totem pole brooch necklace by Hollywood

We will be adding more images of Hollywood jewellery as we source and photograph them. Please remember that all our blogs and images are copyrighted and no part should be copied without our permission.


  1. I have a collection of jewellery designs that came from the Bloxidge Brothers company. This collection was filmed for the antique Road Show last Wednesday in Birmingham. The company was started in 1918 and closed around 1972. The auction for the machinery etc. was held in 1979. I have a brochure that was produced by the Bloxidge Brothers for their staff dated 1948 which gives an outline of the company's development for the first 30 years of their business i.e. 1918-1948. The paintings were bought by a machine dealer from whom we wanted to buy a steam engine. He turned to me, knowing that I was a fashion designer, said that he had something that I might like - he then produced these amazing paintings that are an archive of the designs done for the company throughout their time in the business. It is a fascinating collection and I would very much like to write a book about the work - so I too would be very glad to have any information about the pieces that they made. I have seen some as a friend has a collection of brooches etc. that used to belong to her mother - but I would love to know more about the dates of different sections. Some I recognise easily such as the Deco pieces, but there are some that I cannot identify. I look forward to communicating. I cannot give you any more information at present because I am away and cannot recall everything that was in the brochure. I do remember thinking when I read it that it was incredible that they continued to expand during the recession of the 30's.

    1. Hello there. In response to Patricia's post, my husband spent his whole working life in the Jewellery Quarter and we recently saw the Antiques Roadshow episode regarding the Bloxidge Brothers designs. He listened intently as he knew them and we believe that one of my husband's closest friends actually created some, if not all, of the designs in Patricia's possession. We told him about the programme and he would love to get in touch about them. Perhaps we could give you our contact details for you to get in touch with us? Please let us know.
      Kind regards

    2. i left school in early 72 and started my first job working in the office at bloxidge bros until end of 73 im sure it was, i think they closed around 74. works manager was mr pincent at the time , and mr stanley bloxidge was always about , lovely place to work

    3. Just found a beautiful broach and earring stamped Hollywood Regd fashion jewellery made in England
      Code on back of box A6303AC N950

  2. I would love to see these designs and thank you for replying its great to get some more information. Very little is available on the dating of jewellery from the companies unless, there are written evidence. Your 1948 brochure should help to date any jewellery shown. First though I would like to know if they signed all their jewellery and when did they start to sign them. Would like to discuss this further please email - the address is on our website.

    Best wishes Sue

  3. that picture showing the Hollywood mark the Joseph Hollywood jewelry?

  4. I have just very recently purchased a feather style brooch with the "HOLLYWOOD" stamp,would be very interested to hear anymore info on this company and date of my brooch!
    With thanks

  5. I have done a little research on the hollywood stamped jewellery as I have came across a gold emerald necklace I bought 7 years ago at a market, it has the Hollywood stamp on the back of the emerald studded pendant and a 777 stamp on the catch of the chain, I found the same stamp on the Internet and it just said courtesy of linn alber, dated 1950's to 1960's, I'd like to kno more about it though

  6. Hi,just came across your site. I recently bought a silvertone pendant with hollywood stamped on the back. Just wanted to know a little about it. It just looks like cheap costume jewelery to me. I could send a pic. Thank you

  7. Hi
    I've also seen designs stamped Hollywood that look very much like Exquisite Jewellery.
    I have a brooch stamped Hollywood, which apart from the stones is the same as a clearly stamped Exquisite brooch.

    I'm wondering if these items where at once made in the same work shop, or at least if the 2 brands - Exquisite & Hollywood, shared designers and ideas?

    The quality I feel is better on the Exquisite brooch, so would the Hollywood designs be a slightly cheaper brand to attract a wider market?

  8. Hollywood and Exquisite were two separate companies both based in Birmingham. Before the 1950s, Exquisite used to make jewellery for other companies and then in the mid 50s started to stamp their jewellery. Either Hollywood used Exquisite to make some of their jewellery or they just copied each other, which did go on a lot before the copyright laws came into force in the late 1950s - just a guess. It could also be that one of the designers changed jobs and brought the same design to both? Would love to know for sure. Its a pity that the designs for Hollywood have not been turned into a book. Someone has these and it would be lovely if they took the steps to share them with all of us.

  9. In a 'Hollywood' advert in the Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith 1953 the manufacturer is D.Ackerman & Sons Ltd, also in the Buyers Guide of the BJA 1961 trade names for the various companies are listed and the Hollywood tradename is listed as belonging to D.Ackerman & Sons Ltd. They also owned the names 'Delta' and 'Ainette'The company was based in Great Portland Street London.

  10. Interesting, will have to look up these adverts. A senior director for Exquisite told me that the Bloxidge Brothers made Hollywood jewellery - the collection of books with the designs from the Bloxidge Brother manufacturers was also shown on Antiques Roadshow. Thank you for that information will have to investigate.

  11. Mark from Gravesend3 March 2013 at 19:19

    My late mother owned a piece of "Hollywood" jewellery in the form of a silver coloured brooch. I have no idea about its worth or interest in such an item.

  12. I have a Hollywood green agate brooch was my Nan's and its with a pendant with same small agates stamped
    G158 then iniatials S.W

    would this be Hollywood too?

    1. I have a brooch from the 50s, all gold and a bit brutalist marked SW and G118. Did you have any luck tracing your brooch?

    2. I have yet to come across any marked SW. But once I do will let you know what I think. All the best Sue

  13. I have a Hollywood necklace which is stunning and if I could find any other pieces just as interesting I would be tempted.

  14. A very interesting blog ..... At present I am putting together a 'This is your Life' book for my mother in law who will be 80 very soon, she went to work at Bloxidge Brothers straight from school and only has fond memories of it. She always states it was on Soho Road ? She knows nothing about the book so I am trying to collate as much information as possible and would appreciate any information,

  15. My father, Albert ('Bert') Francis, was General Manager of Bloxidge Brothers right up to his untimely death at my wedding reception in Penzance on 1st July 1967. On the odd occasions when I had a free Saturday from school in Solihull, my father would take me with him to visit the factory and yes, it was definitely in Soho Road, Handsworth. I used to love being shown around "the works" (as it was known) by the Foreman whose name, I'm almost certain, was Tom. (I'm not sure I ever knew his surname.) There was also a small factory in Lye which I think used to produce castings for the jewellery. From (now rather distant) memory, the products were set predominantly with marcasite stones, were at the cheaper end of the costume jewellery market and the principal stockist was indeed Woolworths. My father established the company's export market and I remember my family would always receive a Christmas card from his Australian 'agent' (whose name, unfortunately, I cannot remember). The London office was managed by Mr C R (Russell) Howitt.

  16. I have a small brooch in the shape of a horseshoe with 9 pastel coloured presumably glass stones making up the horseshoe & an enamelled green "pixie" with red hat sat in the middle, about 1 inch from the top to the bottom of the brooch. It is stamped "Hollywood" on the back. It was bought about 1962/3 in Cornwall when I was about 5 or 6 yrs old & sold as a "Cornish Piskey". It was my holiday present. I have now taken it out of my jewellery box where he has been for many years & am now wearing him!

  17. Can one post pictures on this blog? I've raided my wife's (modest!) jewellery collection and think I may have found some items made by Bloxidge Brothers.

  18. Thank you all for the information. It is much appreciated. For photographs please send them to me at sales @ - just take out the spaces. I will then be able to put them on this blog. A back view of the jewellery is very helpful and any dates that it was acquired is very helpful to people trying to date pieces.

  19. Hi

    I have just purchased a job lot of Marcasite jewellery from a lady whose mother had worn them. Amongst them is a pretty bracelet signed HOLLYWOOD
    I would send a picture attached to this message but there isn't anywhere to facilitate this.

    I would love to know its worth?


    1. I am sorry but I do not do valuations. Have a look at my other blogs that will give you information on how to estimate a valuation yourself. Regards sue

  20. Hi do you know where I could get a valuation from for.a necklace that I was given my my nan that was hollywood

  21. I have just bought a Hollywood marcasite leaf shaped brooch on ebay for the princely sum of £6.99.It's obviously quite old as the metal is heavier than that of of cheapish jewellery today.It is a pretty and unusual brooch. I was fascinated to find out that it would have been made in Birmingham jewellery quarter which I know well as I live just outside the city in the Black Country. I also know Lye well where some of the mouldings may have been made. I shall enjoy wearing my brooch all the more now I know its provenance.

    1. The castings were definitely made at Bloxidge Bros' foundry in Lye, I used to visit there as a schoolboy in the 1950s with my father who was General Manager of the business - please see my post of 19 Nov 2013 above.

  22. Hi. I don't know if you are still doing this blog. I have a brooch made by Hollywood. A stunning bagpipe with stones. I don't know where to go to get an appraisal. I live in S.A.

  23. It wouldn't be worth getting an appraisal. Hollywood jewellery from the UK were costume pieces and so their value is still pretty low. However they are brilliant to collect as this type of jewellery is not as well made as in the past. Regards Sue.

  24. Hi I've got a brooch with hollywood on the back are they worth anything at all please I can't find my style on the Internet please help

  25. hello, I came across this informative page trying to research a brooch I have that says Hollywood onthe back. From the style it looks like it could be one of the later and probablythe last brooches they made a sort of flat solid asymmetrical flower that could a pansy or hydrangea with a pearl at the centre of some petals .From what I have seen most Hollywood brooches i have seen are advertised with pearls state they are faux but this one seems to feel gritty on my teeth and not worn … is this possible ?

    1. It is possible it is a real pearl as occasionally companies used real gems and silver in their ranges of jewellery. Or it may have been replaced by the owner for a real pearl.

  26. I have recently acquired a very pretty little Hollywood brooch and I’m delighted to hear the history behind it. I didn’t realise my little brooch would have such a fascinating history.


About Me

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Solihull, West Midlands, United Kingdom
I preserve the past. Researching family and local history. Finding about mine and other people's ancestors, is just one of my passions. I also love vintage costume jewellery made here in the UK. I write about my finds and like to research.